Head shaking of 5-6 wk chicks. Is this a problem?


Apr 8, 2022
North Alabama
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
I had one chick (ISA Brown - "Ativan") that was shaking her head sideways when I brought her home from Rural King. Seemed like a tic, but she wouldn't do it very often. I think she's increased in frequency over the past few weeks. She was 2-3 wks old when I got her I think and is ~6-8 wks old now. Now, I have several other birds shaking their heads often. I suspect something is wrong, but have no idea what. I've seen them open their mouths and extend their necks without noise, but not often. All are eating, drinking, acting normal. Is this crop adjustment? Gapeworm? They haven't been outside yet. It's been in the 70-80s here outside, but I still use a heat lamp with them. I'll probably stop that next week.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
One chicken was shaking her head, now 3+ chickens are shaking their heads. Also the one who was doing it first seems to be shaking her head more often. There is occasional neck extension and mouth opening, but like I've caught them doing that twice. I spend ~1-2 hrs a day caring for them / observing them.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
Since I brought them home, I know at least the ISA brown had symptoms. Now, ~2-3 wks later 3+ chicks are having symptoms.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
Came from TSC and Rural King this way.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
Eating and drinking normally. For the first 1.5-2 weeks I was feeding NatureWise Chick Starter Grower, 18% protein crumble, and then transitioned over a few days to Purina Dumor 20% chick starter/grower. They've been eating that for ~3 wks now. I have a 1/3 cup measuring scoop. I put 4 scoops food to 1 scoop chick grit into their feeder and mix it with a spoon to distribute the grit. I think they're all emptying their crops on the regular. For treat/hand training I feed soldier fly larvae or mealworms ~2x a day, only one larvae per chick per feeding. A week ago and today I gave them a small lettuce plant out of my garden and they ate that. They peck and eat random small bits of pine out of their bedding, which is why I started adding grit to their feed.

For water, generally I've been adding ~1/4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to 4-5.5 cups fresh water with 1/4 scoop Durvet Probiotics daily for Poultry (per package instructions). They drink out of a sideways nipple waterer, I clean out shavings every other day. The water and food are set 2" above the floor of the brooder. However, for the past week I've been treating them with Corid for suspected coccidiosis. I did 4 days of the 2tsp/gallon, and have 4-11 days left to go at 1/2tsp/gallon. No ACV or any other additions to the water while I've been treating with Corid. They're all drinking - I watch the water level go down each day and I've seen each chick get water out of the waterer.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
Normal I think. Had some issues with it looking like chocolate pudding, that doesn't seem to be changing with Corid treatment, so it must be normal. I check vents and butts every day or so, and all are clean on all the chickens.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
Nothing. Not sure what to do, and until recently wasn't sure it was an issue.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
Treat myself if I can figure out what's going on and if I need to do anything. I thought this might clear up over time, but it's been a few weeks and it hasn't.

11) I don't have video at this time.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use.
Pine shavings (flake?) From Rural King. I change it out completely every other day, and put fresh down on top on the days I don't change it completely.
It is best to put chick grit in a separate container from food, and they should take what they need without getting too much (if it is in the feed.) Occasional gaping and neck twisting is a sign of adjusting the crop. Stop the heat since they should be feathered out and 70 degrees is plenty warm for 6 week olds. ACV is really not necessary in their water, and. Corid should not be mixed with anything. Head shaking can be normal when feathers are itchy and growing in. Videos can by uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo or Imgur with a link posted here.
It is best to put chick grit in a separate container from food, and they should take what they need without getting too much (if it is in the feed.) Occasional gaping and neck twisting is a sign of adjusting the crop. Stop the heat since they should be feathered out and 70 degrees is plenty warm for 6 week olds. ACV is really not necessary in their water, and. Corid should not be mixed with anything. Head shaking can be normal when feathers are itchy and growing in. Videos can by uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo or Imgur with a link posted here.
Thanks for the information! Super helpful! I had searched Backyard Chickens and found so much information that didn't seem to quite apply to the head twisting my birds are doing.

I had heard that if you put the grit into a container by itself when the chicks were really young, they could become confused and fill up on grit and die. Wasn't sure when to switch over, but I figured after 6 weeks, or when they go outside at 8 weeks might be a good time? On behalf of future chicks, how early can I put grit in a separate container without them getting confused?

I'll see if I can get a video of the neck twisting - that may take some time.

Do chicks need to have feathers underneath their wings and covering their heads in order to be feathered out? My flock is mixed in age, and while I think about 3 birds have feathers on everything but under their wings, the rest have head feathers still coming in, and down underneath their wings still. I was under the impression they still needed heat until they were fully feathered out. I tried doing without it yesterday - it was mid 80s, and I had a few chicks that seemed to be shivering and huddled down in my hands when I handled them, so I put the heat back on in the evening, when the temperature drops about 10-15F. They all laid at the edge of the lamp spotlight - they could have been a foot or more further away, and didn't go there.
Usually with chicks the temp is about 90 for the first week, and decreased by 5 degrees each week. So, at 6 weeks they should be able to tolerate 65 degrees. But if they seem cold, just make sure they have a cool spot in their brooder to get to if you continue the heat lamp. My chicks are feathered by 6 weeks. When I put them in the coop, I use a heat lamp for a day or two, and see that they mostly stay away from it. My chicks raised by broodies would be out with the mom and would only get under her wings occasionally to warm up.
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
I had one chick (ISA Brown - "Ativan") that was shaking her head sideways when I brought her home from Rural King. Seemed like a tic, but she wouldn't do it very often. I think she's increased in frequency over the past few weeks. She was 2-3 wks old when I got her I think and is ~6-8 wks old now. Now, I have several other birds shaking their heads often. I suspect something is wrong, but have no idea what. I've seen them open their mouths and extend their necks without noise, but not often. All are eating, drinking, acting normal. Is this crop adjustment? Gapeworm? They haven't been outside yet. It's been in the 70-80s here outside, but I still use a heat lamp with them. I'll probably stop that next week.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
One chicken was shaking her head, now 3+ chickens are shaking their heads. Also the one who was doing it first seems to be shaking her head more often. There is occasional neck extension and mouth opening, but like I've caught them doing that twice. I spend ~1-2 hrs a day caring for them / observing them.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
Since I brought them home, I know at least the ISA brown had symptoms. Now, ~2-3 wks later 3+ chicks are having symptoms.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
Came from TSC and Rural King this way.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
Eating and drinking normally. For the first 1.5-2 weeks I was feeding NatureWise Chick Starter Grower, 18% protein crumble, and then transitioned over a few days to Purina Dumor 20% chick starter/grower. They've been eating that for ~3 wks now. I have a 1/3 cup measuring scoop. I put 4 scoops food to 1 scoop chick grit into their feeder and mix it with a spoon to distribute the grit. I think they're all emptying their crops on the regular. For treat/hand training I feed soldier fly larvae or mealworms ~2x a day, only one larvae per chick per feeding. A week ago and today I gave them a small lettuce plant out of my garden and they ate that. They peck and eat random small bits of pine out of their bedding, which is why I started adding grit to their feed.

For water, generally I've been adding ~1/4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to 4-5.5 cups fresh water with 1/4 scoop Durvet Probiotics daily for Poultry (per package instructions). They drink out of a sideways nipple waterer, I clean out shavings every other day. The water and food are set 2" above the floor of the brooder. However, for the past week I've been treating them with Corid for suspected coccidiosis. I did 4 days of the 2tsp/gallon, and have 4-11 days left to go at 1/2tsp/gallon. No ACV or any other additions to the water while I've been treating with Corid. They're all drinking - I watch the water level go down each day and I've seen each chick get water out of the waterer.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
Normal I think. Had some issues with it looking like chocolate pudding, that doesn't seem to be changing with Corid treatment, so it must be normal. I check vents and butts every day or so, and all are clean on all the chickens.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
Nothing. Not sure what to do, and until recently wasn't sure it was an issue.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
Treat myself if I can figure out what's going on and if I need to do anything. I thought this might clear up over time, but it's been a few weeks and it hasn't.

11) I don't have video at this time.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use.
Pine shavings (flake?) From Rural King. I change it out completely every other day, and put fresh down on top on the days I don't change it completely.
I have a chick that is doing the neck twitching and shaking. We got her from rk. What was wrong with yours. I was hoping to get some answers on why ours is doing it. The twitching seems to have gotten worse. None of the others are doing it. We have had them 2 weeks this past Saturday.
I have a chick that is doing the neck twitching and shaking. We got her from rk. What was wrong with yours. I was hoping to get some answers on why ours is doing it. The twitching seems to have gotten worse. None of the others are doing it. We have had them 2 weeks this past Saturday.
Eventually my chick quit doing this, maybe around 10-12 weeks? One member suggested she was adjusting her crop. I think that may have been the case, cause she's fine now. It was never a constant thing, but she would do it often with only a few seconds between twitches. Also may have been her feathers bothering her during molting?
Eventually my chick quit doing this, maybe around 10-12 weeks? One member suggested she was adjusting her crop. I think that may have been the case, cause she's fine now. It was never a constant thing, but she would do it often with only a few seconds between twitches. Also may have been her feathers bothering her during molting?
Okay, my husband was trying to film ours last night doing it to post again on here but she wouldn't. When she does it worry us and being newbies we just want to make sure she's okay.
Okay, my husband was trying to film ours last night doing it to post again on here but she wouldn't. When she does it worry us and being newbies we just want to make sure she's okay.
It could be something, or it could be nothing. You can upload to youtube and post a link to youtube for others to watch. I never could decide myself, and my chick eventually stopped, instead of getting worse. Some of my other chicks started doing the same, then eventually stopped. Could have been crop adjustment or feathers growing in on their neck that bothered them. Hopefully it's the same for you...
It could be something, or it could be nothing. You can upload to youtube and post a link to youtube for others to watch. I never could decide myself, and my chick eventually stopped, instead of getting worse. Some of my other chicks started doing the same, then eventually stopped. Could have been crop adjustment or feathers growing in on their neck that bothered them. Hopefully it's the same for you...
One of our Silkies did have issues with her crop. We took her to emergency vet because we were worried. And they told us to massage her crop. It's getting better and it seems like shortly after we took that one to the vet the other started the shaking of the head.

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