head shaking- whats wrong?

So glad BYC is here to help me. I have a 3 week old silkie chick that, every few minutes or so, does a strange head wobble. The way I describe it is like when you spin around, get dizzy, stop and try to focus on something. It get disoriented for a few seconds and then is fine, eating and drinking and running around crazy with the other chicks. My best guess is it's something neurological, I got these chicks at a few days old and they have never experienced any trauma.
So glad BYC is here to help me. I have a 3 week old silkie chick that, every few minutes or so, does a strange head wobble. The way I describe it is like when you spin around, get dizzy, stop and try to focus on something. It get disoriented for a few seconds and then is fine, eating and drinking and running around crazy with the other chicks. My best guess is it's something neurological, I got these chicks at a few days old and they have never experienced any trauma.
I only have three chicks. I'm a first timer. The Buff Orpington has that little head shake. I was beginning to worry about her. She seems to do it mostly when she's resting. If she's up running around in the brooder or eating, she doesn't seem to do it. I don't know if that means anything or not. The other two, a barred rock and a cuckoo marans, don't do it at all. The orpington is bigger than the other two, but I was told when I got her that she was only three weeks old, so she would be 5 1/2 weeks old now. We put a wooden dowel in the brooder and she's the only one that sits on it. She seems way advanced over the other two. I don't care if she has a quirky habit, if that's all it is, but I just want her to be happy and healthy. Since they're still so young, I don't really want to try anything that may harm her at so young an age.

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