I have a runty chick hatched this past Tuesday that seems to be underweight(I know, kind of the definition of runt, but I have another runty chick that is smaller than the others but has meat on its bones) and is having a problem walking. It can’t seem to just walk, and instead runs and has little control of the direction it is going in. It seems to just run straight until it hits a barrier, then it adjusts, then does the same thing all over again. It also can’t seem to hold its head straight, and it slowly drifts to the left, it pulls back center, and does it again. I haven’t seen it eat much, though it has drank some water. And it sleeps almost constantly. I currently have it in a separate tank because I don’t want it to get trampled. Lost a runty one earlier today that I had noticed to be sleeping overly much like this one, and I was just hoping someone might could help. Could this be wry neck? The neck thing seems to be, but I’m not sure about the other symptoms.