Healthy Chicken suddenly dies after having a seizure

I'm sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl.
My RIR was almost 6 when she died of something similar in November. Not as suddenly, though.
She was very sleepy on a Wednesday. Was more and more lethargic until she had those seizures you described on the following Sunday night. I thought the "seizures" were heart attacks because her breathing became very labored after them.

I am very interested in the results of your necropsy. I didn't know this could be done and by the time I learned about it she had been gone too long.
I'm sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl.
My RIR was almost 6 when she died of something similar in November. Not as suddenly, though.
She was very sleepy on a Wednesday. Was more and more lethargic until she had those seizures you described on the following Sunday night. I thought the "seizures" were heart attacks because her breathing became very labored after them.

I am very interested in the results of your necropsy. I didn't know this could be done and by the time I learned about it she had been gone too long.
Hey GRB, i did not get the necropsy done, but in hindsite wish i had because 2 days later and i am a nervous Nelly that something may happen to the other 5! When i called the location that does the necropsy, she informed me that the most common finding is the fatty liver. This is in CT where we have long winters and the chickens dont get much free range time and also, much more BOSS in order to help keep them warmer through the winter. My girls are only 1 yr old and otherwise so healthy it appears anyway. This chicken was too. In fact the day before she laid an egg. She let herself out of henhouse with the sun and an hour later, when i found her, she was pale and had some sort of episode where she flapped her wings around but it was clear she was unable to walk. Moving forward, less scratch(candy), more exercise now that the snow is gone and I'll get my chickens from a nice farm rather than TSC. I dont know, i have read that it is not uncommon for pullets to die with no explanation. I really think it may be genetics, but I'll never know. I buried her within the hour of her passing. 🐓❤️

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