healthy treats, and how much?


Apr 26, 2015
Northern California
Hello all somewhat new here at byc. Im trying to figure out the best and healthiest snack for my 5 week old chicks and how much is too much? I have read you dont want treats to be more then 10% of there food. I have only given my chicks a few snacks as i wasnt sure what they would enjoy. I have given them basil which they seemed to enjoy also my son has been intrigued with finding them worms, this is my biggest concern as he tries to feed them as many as possible (really only 3-4 large worms each) is this too much? Also they seem to eat them fine whole picking them apart to their pleasure should i be making them smaller? Any advice would be great! Thanks in advance
Here is a very good chart on healthy treats that may be helpful to you:

As for the earthworms that are being given to them, chickens are going to pick up an occasional one on their own but I wouldn't be purposely feeding them to the chickens. Here's a quote from the University of Florida/IFAS:

"Intestinal parasites (worms) are very common in chickens in the backyard type poultry flocks. The presence of a few parasites do not usually cause a problem. However, large numbers can have a devastating effect on growth, egg production, and over-all health. The concentration of parasite eggs in the chickens environment is one factor which plays a major role in determining the severity of the infection. The chickens pick up the parasite eggs directly by ingesting contaminated feed, water, or litter or by eating snails, earthworms, or other insects (intermediate hosts) which can carry the eggs."

Here's the link if you would like to read the entire report:

Hope this all helps!
I give my chicks (starting around 2 weeks) boiled or scrambled egg, bits of chopped fruit and veggies like spinach or lettuce, dried meal worms, plain greek yogurt. As they get older I give more things like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sardines, watermelon and chick scratch. Always supply chick grit if they don't have access to natural sources of grit. I wouldn't purposely give young chicks worms either. They are susceptible to gape worm. They eat bugs and crawly thing if they free range and like stated above possibly worms but I wouldn't go out of my way to feed them that.
Thank you the chart was alot of help! Also glad to know about the earthworms this has only happened a few days now so i will make sure it does not continue! Much appreciation
Glad the chart helped. I've referred to it so many times, like to pass it along when I can.

Your son must be enjoying the chickens to "help" feed them, lol.
For being only 2years old he has learned alot the past monh with our chicks he goes out to feed and water them in the morning he checks them in the day incase they need more water and at night he makes sure everyone is safe and sound in the coop with a kiss goodnight! Its adorable! It will be hard to tell him no more worms but we will have to bring some fruit out instead
For being only 2years old he has learned alot the past monh with our chicks he goes out to feed and water them in the morning he checks them in the day incase they need more water and at night he makes sure everyone is safe and sound in the coop with a kiss goodnight! Its adorable! It will be hard to tell him no more worms but we will have to bring some fruit out instead

He sounds like a wonderful little chicken wrangler! You could always get a bag of the dried mealworms for him to pass out. Chickens LOVE mealworms and they are full of protein.

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