Healthy young chicken's sudden death without explanation, please help


6 Years
Aug 10, 2017
Northern Wisconsin
Hello, yesterday morning I had checked on my flock of 5 chickens and all appeared well and healthy. It was then later that night when I put them to bed I noticed one was showing signs of clear illness. I have lost many chickens for the short amount of time I have kept them (4 years), most for unknown reasons and have become well adept at recognizing when they feel ill. However recently I have noticed some of my chickens have appeared sick for an hour or so and completely got over it, so I did not pay much attention. This morning, the chicken was dead. She had never shown any signs of illness prior except for last night and was a healthy, egg laying, young chicken, just over a year old. There were not external wounds from what I could tell and it is to my amazement as to what brought upon her death. I also had another very young, healthy, egg laying chicken die in February without any previous signs of illness and no explanation for her sudden death. At the time I had brushed it off as a freak accident, however now after this surprising death i'm not so sure. I'd appreciate any help of any ideas as to what could be causing their deaths. To the best of my knowledge i am doing nothing wrong however I can't help but feel it's my fault. I give them plenty of clean water, food, a clean and well ventilated coop, and a large run without access to any poisonous plants. I have contacted every vet within an hour of me but not one is able to do a necropsy on her (I decided not to do it myself because I have no idea what i'm looking for and don't have the proper tools, and if I'm being honest, stomach to handle it). My hens have been laying thin shelled eggs recently despite their calcium filled feed and free choice oyster shells, perhaps that is in some relation. I am looking to expand my flock but am afraid to get more chickens if the likelihood of them dying within their first year of life is high. Thank you for any help you might be able to give.
Where did you get the chicken from? What breed was the chicken? Was her comb purple when she died? Unfortunately, chickens are often way over-bred and can get a lot of different health issues. One of my hens died at around the same age from a heart problem. It happened very much like yours. She was fine in the morning, sick in the evening, and dead the next morning. If the comb was purple, then that would point to heart issue.
Really hard to say anything helpful with what has been given for information. So many things that can lead up to and cause sudden death in chickens and can be very over whelming to anyone.

Housing situation/run, coop/Free Ranging?
Where did you get them?
What are you feeding them, how much and what?
Comb/Skin color before and after death?
Eating/Drinking normal?
Thanks for the response HappyClucker7,
I got the chicken from a friend of mine, not sure where she get hers from . She was a black australorp. The lady I got the chicken from said her chickens, from the same batch, were doing great and were in perfect health. I don't think the comb was purple however a heart problem would explain her sudden death.[/QUOTE]
Really hard to say anything helpful with what has been given for information. So many things that can lead up to and cause sudden death in chickens and can be very over whelming to anyone.

Housing situation/run, coop/Free Ranging?
Where did you get them?
What are you feeding them, how much and what?
Comb/Skin color before and after death?
Eating/Drinking normal?

They live in a coop I made from a garden shed which I clean out regularly with plenty of circulation and space. They also have a spacious run. The breed is a black australorp and I got them from a friend of mine (unsure where she got hers, ordered them as chicks I think). I feed them layer feed and mix in grit and oyster shells, along with having these free choice. I give them constant access to their feed and make sure the feeder is always full. The comb was pale I believe. She was eating and drinking normal except for last night when she was sick, she had a disinterest in food. Thank you for your response!
They live in a coop I made from a garden shed which I clean out regularly with plenty of circulation and space. They also have a spacious run. The breed is a black australorp and I got them from a friend of mine (unsure where she got hers, ordered them as chicks I think). I feed them layer feed and mix in grit and oyster shells, along with having these free choice. I give them constant access to their feed and make sure the feeder is always full. The comb was pale I believe. She was eating and drinking normal except for last night when she was sick, she had a disinterest in food. Thank you for your response!
I just always want to help and I keep them as pets only so I always get emotionally invested when people have problems, I have my share. The info I asked for hopefully will give us a better view of your little chicken and get some answers~

~Pale comb prior to death can be a whole bunch of things such as worm overload, heart issues, molting (Color indicates she would be ready for a handsome rooster)

~Sadly you probably won't get a for sure answer to this unless you had or get a necropsy performed at your AG extension or AG College for your state.

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