Heartbeat in eggs

Their heart beat is so tiny you couldn't hear it.
But, you could use the float test method. Fill a bowl with warm water so your eggs can float In it, let them sit for a sec, and you should be able to see moment.
The float test method is a good way to kill your eggs.
That would be neat.
My eggs only have a week left so they're far along, at this point.
Don't care. Need data :gig please let me know what you hear if anything.🙏

I'm wondering if any sound is heard if you could use it to monitor the health of the bird inside. As I stated previously we had one that didn't develop all the way and the poor thing was born suffering and in pain. If you could use sound to monitor inside egg health you might be able to prevent that sort of thing. Not sure but I would need more info to formulate a hypothesis 🤔

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