Heartbroken Mommie


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
My daughters received #9 day old chicks for their 4-H project. After about a week, the excitement wore off. So, like a good mommie...I fed the chicks twice daily , held them , rubbed their bellies (they loved it) and spent quite a bit of time with them. When they were about 3 months old, I moved them outside (they were living in my office). I sat in their cage, gave them treats and generally took very good care of them. Ironically, they all ended up being cockrels

Everytime I go into their enclosure (some in the barn, some in the goat pen, pig pen, etc....), they attack me. It hurts !! Two of them got so hostile with me I gave them a new home in my crockpot. My remaining cockrels make such an effort to attack me I will not even go into the animal pens without boots on. On the other hand, my daughters, who did not give them the time of day, walk in and out of their pens with sandals on. Not one peck !!! Where did I go wrong ? Out of six people in our family...I am the only one that they attack. Figures !! Any rational on this one ?
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They see you as one of the flock and as another rooster which they feel they can overthrow. Rooster red has a good page on roo behavior.

If they attack you, you can try to snatch them up and squeeze them like the little babbies they once were and give them lots of love and attention in revenge to their attempts at manily hood. If that doesn't work might have to go for the be the top roo tactic and not let them look at you, get in your way, or do anything infront of you. They probably don't think the rest of your family is part of their family, so just watch.
Interesting. Now I feel bad for cooking two of them.

Not really, they were mean. Once I can corner them and pick them up, which I do frequently to powder them for mites, they mellow out. But they don't just peck. They grab the skin and twist. I have had sooo many blood blisters on my ankles and feet from these guys. I am sure they can smell my fear during feeding time. Thanks for your help.
Next time buy sexed chicks if you want pullets--i paid a little more and got some females from Ideal, and the experience was very positive.
As for attacking you, perhaps as one did it, the others copied him. My pullets are very copy-cat and when one goes for something, the others do the same.

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