Heat after 4 weeks???


6 Years
Aug 7, 2013
Western Massachusetts
My chicks are 4 weeks today. I followed the heat recommendations according to our chick thermomenter.

95 first week
90 second week
85 third week
75 fourth week

But there is no marking after that. I've been leaving the heat lamp off during the day most of this week because it's been warm enough. Even without the lamp it's sometimes over 75. My brooder is in the garage (south facing so stays pretty warm. And when too hot I go out and open the garage up so they can get air and cool off.

Long intro to my question. Which is what can I drop the temp too now? Can I leave the lamp off over night? It's only supposed to get down to 67 tonight. And like I said they are in the garage so it probably doesn't get that cool in the garage.

I have 5 chicks and they are in various stages of feathering. They also have always seemed happier being cooler instead of warmer. Never have been chicks to huddle under the lamp. Thanks for the help.
My chicks turned 4 weeks yesterday and I took them off the heat lamp last week. This is the first time I done that bu they are fine. The usual requirements is to start at 95 and reduce 5 degrees each week until they are 8 weeks old and then put them outside. I hope this helps :)

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