heat for ducks during cold weather??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 3, 2014
SW Washington
Hi I live in the pacific northwest and we get some pretty cold weather. This is my first year with ducks. I have 2 cayugas. I was wondering if anyone has tried using greenhouse seed heating mats? They are water proof and are supposed to raise the floor temp 10 to 20 degrees. I was thinking about putting one either under their bedding or hanging one on a wall any thoughts?
I have a feeling they would get pretty wet and nasty fast. I dont think it would be the best idea, especially for ducks, even if they are water proof. I live in Maine, and we get some pretty harsh and cold winters here. I dont provide extra heat for my ducks and they do just fine. Only thing I heat is the water,
Ok thanks. Do you leave food and water in the coop at night? I tried that and what a mess so I leave it outside now. I have a fairly small house it is on a platform about a foot off the ground with pop up canopy over it and it is under a large redwood tree. I also have removable walls outside the wire mesh. I think it was supposed to be a chicken coop we just modified it a little. Also it is in a large net covered run with a pond we built.I also have chickens I got them first and this year I couldn't resist the ducklings. I thought they would do well together but no way the ducks are to messy and don't really care for the chickens. Thanks any other winter advice would be great
Keeping ducks in the winter can be tricky, after several years of having them turn the bedding into a 6-inch deep ice sheet, I found a solution. I use a submersible water heater in a deep bucket made for watering large animals such as horses and cows. The bucket is tall enough so they cant get in it and make a mess, but low enough that they can reach their heads in and drink. I leave food and water in at night during the winter, but if you make it so they cant play in the water the mess isn't as bad. Mid-winter thaws should be take advantage of to clean out the coop if possible, makes spring just that much easier....
Thanks I think I have an extra aquarium heater I will try the bucket

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