Heat lamp light on and off


In the Brooder
May 3, 2020
Hi everyone,

I attached my heat lamp to a temperature controller. What this does is turn my heat lamp on and off so it keeps the area at a specific temperature.

I am wondering if the red heat lamp light going on and off bothers the baby chicks.

I am also wondering if the baby chicks prefer a constant source of heat by physically raising and lowering the lamp instead of the heat lamp going on and off for a desired temperature.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
I use a plug-in dimmer to manually control temperature. I don't have to raise and lower the lamp fixture.

I use this one, its rated for 300 watts it's available at Wal-Mart and Amazon.
I use with a 250 watt red heat-lamp.
ETA; I would think the light turning on and off at nighttime would be unsettling.
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