Heat Lamps

When you say soffit vents, I assume you're talking about these? They make covers for them, they just screw in place. That's what we put in after the raccoon incident.

I don't even have the eaves boxed in with lumber let alone vents....
It is wide open between the rafters.....see my delimena. Got to
plug those holes up with something.
Gotcha. Good luck!

It's 20 degrees F here in Ohio right now, and my hens aren't even huddled together for warmth. Your babies will be fine!
Our remote coop thermometer reads 8° right now, humidity is at 48%. I'm sure the girls are snuggling together (we have 2 roost bars in the coop & they usually sleep 3 &3 when it's really cold), but I know they will be fine.
I think so too...just overly concerned I guess. Raining here now and
40 some degrees. That is the way it is, get a few days of really
chilly 30/20 degree weather then goes back up into the 40/50 and rains.
Will save the heat lamp for days when it gets cold and stays cold for
any length of time then just use at night.
Thanks for everyone suggestions and information. That helps a lot.
It got down to 7 degrees in the coop last night, and when I opened the door this morning to let them out, they were sitting 5 on the bottom roost and 1 all by herself on the top roost, and they were still all fine
. I did feel sorry for the one that was all alone though, usually she has two others up there with her when it's really cold out. Guess she didn't want the company last night lol.
Yes, I guess the heat lamp idea is more for my comfort than for the chickens.
Feel sorry for my girls when it gets so cold and breezy out there.
Thanks for your thoughts.
I think so too...just overly concerned I guess. Raining here now and
40 some degrees. That is the way it is, get a few days of really
chilly 30/20 degree weather then goes back up into the 40/50 and rains.
Will save the heat lamp for days when it gets cold and stays cold for
any length of time then just use at night.
Thanks for everyone suggestions and information. That helps a lot.
Gosh Tootie at the temps you're having I'm still riding my motorcycle 40 miles to work! Your chickens have their wonderful down coats. They're fine!
Mercy me....got to be cold on a motorcycle. I know, chicks will be fine.
I guess I am a worry wort. Just want to do right by them
and keep them warm....

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