Heat Stoke??

Update, she had recovered, but when I let her out with the other chickens, she went to the same tree I found her under when she wan't walking. She was scratching with gusto. I went to see what she was after and caught her eating glass!!! I grabbed her, put her and the other chickens back in the run (I won't let them out again, till all the pieces of glass are picked up). Of course this morning, laying down, won't walk, will only eat if hand fed, only drinks if I hold the water. She is bright eyed and her tail is held high, but will not stand up. This is starting to be wearing!! I worry at night about her, and I worry when I'm at work about her. Her crop isn't impacted, and she doesn't appear to be egg bound. No other chickens are acting like this!!! My husband is getting tired of the worry also. ANY IDEAS!! I just want her to be well and frankly, I want to quite worrying about her. Also, we have 7 acreas, and I thought I had walked every inch. She found where there had at one time been a trash dump. Lots of deeply buried wire and glass bottles (some are milk glass, this has been here ages). You can't see the trash except where she had been digging...........All ideas are appreciated!

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