Heat stressed pullets

That is so good to know about the homemade pediolyte (sp)
We had to fence the garden in, too. LOL I never did get any spinach this year. I also have a dog who absolutely loves basil and I plant A LOT of basil. Had to fence all that in, too.
Ok, now I got to thinking rather than run into town, miles away, I can use the jello for flavoring and go ahead and make your recipe! Duh,
WOW, what a great idea. My poor babies are panting like crazy!!!!! I freeze ice blocks for them, but they melt so fast in this heat. I will definitely try the kool aid recipe when i get home too.
I have to ask, why the salt substitute? The goal is to replace the sodium the birds have lost so I don't understand that. Is there something I don't know about salt substitutes?
I went back and read the recipe again. So, the bicarb is being used for the salt replenishment and the salt substitue has an ingredient in it that provides potassium?

So, second question. Baking soda doesn't dissolve like salt does, do you find it laying in the bottom of the waterers?

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