Heater with a plastic waterer?


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
Can you put a plastic waterer on one of those heaters you buy for chicken waterers? Or would I have to have a metal waterer? Just trying to think ahead here! I've never wintered with chickens before.

I have a 7 gallon waterer. Do the heaters radiate enough heat to keep all of the water from freezing? Or might I have to use a smaller waterer in the wintertime?

good question...i would like to know also...i'm sure someone will help us out..thanks..Wendy
I've got one you can use with either metal or plastic. I can't think of the brand name of it right off the top of my head, but I'll look at it tomorrow and let you know.
If the "W" word you're talking about is WINTER, I say it can't come soon enough for me!
I hate the heat and love the cold.
I'm with Katy on Winter- I hate the heat. I'm like a little kid when it snows. Let it snow, Let it snow, let it snow.
Good question about whether you can put plastic waters on those heaters. How well do they work?? Thanks, Keystonepaul
I have a fount heater I bought from Strombergs and a 3 gal waterer made by KUHL.They both work great in the winter,inside the coop.
Sometimes the water towards the top of the fount freezes,but not too bad.
I found another fount that was shorter and had a wider base that takes up more surface area of the heater and works a little better with no freezing.
I never had a 7 gal waterer,it's just too big for me so I can't say for sure ,But I would be willing to bet it would be hard for the heater to keep that much water from freezing at the upper half of the fount. Depends on your winters to.I'm on the NY\\PA border. Will
im about to winter my birds for the 1st time, i have a 5 gal font and a thermastaticly contolled base heater i hope does the job, it can and does get very cold in s dak. this much i do no, do not use plasic witha base heater. ever

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