Heating lamp


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2017

My chicks will be 6 weeks tomorrow. They've been outside for 2 weeks already.

My question is should I plug in their heat lamp tonight and the next few nights?

Attached is the pic of the temp lows
How many chicks?
If you only have a few it cannot hurt to give them the option.
If you have many (15 or more) they should be ok. Again though that is pretty chilly for young birds.
I worried about my 6 chicks that are 5 weeks old last night and we covered their coop with a blanket, put a blanket in the coop itself and blocked off the entry/exit so they couldn't get outside. Of course when we checked on them this morning, they had escaped into the run and were huddled together but happy as could be. I don't want to do a heat lamp because of risk of fire, plus I feel like it will help them get used to the colder temps if you don't put the heat lamp back in.

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