Heating pad in the coop?

Can’t speak for everyone, but known cold hardy breeds should do fine. Now, where I am, the lowest actual temperature I have experienced with my current flock is -35f, and that was for two nights in a row. My flock are all ISA Browns, and except for some frostbite on their combs and wattles, they did fine. We had plenty more days and nights below zero, and still no heat...except for that cozy coop heater which did nothing, and they ignored.

It’s supposed to be single digits tonight, and they are fine. Two are out in the coop, but I have a third in the indoor infirmary.

Here are two of them:
View attachment 1997028
Thank you! This is very helpful!
That is pretty cold so heat is something to consider. I hope some other folks from Canada/Alaska/etc. pipe up with recommendations, most of us don't deal with temps that low so it's hard to give suitable advice since -40 is nothing like 0.
Oh, I miss read that! I thought it said 40°! I should wear my readers more often, LOL!
Oh that’s interesting. Thank you!
Can I ask how many chickens you have? This is definitely a hard decision. There’s so much that says not to heat. But with small flocks it can be considered and in extreme cold. My concern is that I only have 3. And the coop is not fully insulated. So I don’t want to freeze them out. On the other hand they’ve been laying pretty regularly !
I had four through the last winter. One passed away in May. I have three this winter, but one is ill and inside right now because of the cold. So only two out in the coop right now, and it is 8 degrees in the coop.
Oh that’s interesting. Thank you!
Can I ask how many chickens you have? This is definitely a hard decision. There’s so much that says not to heat. But with small flocks it can be considered and in extreme cold. My concern is that I only have 3. And the coop is not fully insulated. So I don’t want to freeze them out. On the other hand they’ve been laying pretty regularly !
I will also say that last winter was my first winter with chickens, and I was a nervous wreck. I worried about them, because of the cold. I followed everyone’s advice to not heat the coop, and they lived. I still worry about them, but not nearly like before.
@aart is all things coop related expert!
Not really.

That is pretty cold so heat is something to consider. I hope some other folks from Canada/Alaska/etc. pipe up with recommendations, most of us don't deal with temps that low so it's hard to give suitable advice since -40 is nothing like 0.
I will also say that last winter was my first winter with chickens, and I was a nervous wreck. I worried about them, because of the cold. I followed everyone’s advice to not heat the coop, and they lived. I still worry about them, but not nearly like before.
Oh yes that’s so true ! I worry like crazy.
I'm from Minnesota and am very familiar with the absurd weather you are about to have. ;)

I just recently purchased a Sweeter Heater. I haven't had to use it yet but will turn it on once it starts to get to the -20s/30s. https://www.strombergschickens.com/...MI3c38sMn05gIVj8DACh3FUw96EAQYASABEgIhu_D_BwE

In the past I've used an oil radiator similar to the one in the link below. Just make sure to prop it up onto something (I used a block of wood) so it is not touching any shavings. All sides should also be clear of touching anything inside the coop. This kept my coop 10 degrees warmer than outside. When it's -30, that's better than nothing.

I'm from Minnesota and am very familiar with the absurd weather you are about to have. ;)

I just recently purchased a Sweeter Heater. I haven't had to use it yet but will turn it on once it starts to get to the -20s/30s. https://www.strombergschickens.com/...MI3c38sMn05gIVj8DACh3FUw96EAQYASABEgIhu_D_BwE

In the past I've used an oil radiator similar to the one in the link below. Just make sure to prop it up onto something (I used a block of wood) so it is not touching any shavings. All sides should also be clear of touching anything inside the coop. This kept my coop 10 degrees warmer than outside. When it's -30, that's better than nothing.

I'm also in SE Minnesota...Rochester. I considered a Sweeter Heater at one point, thinking it might help to give them just a bit of warmth on their roost overnight, when it is coldest.

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