Heating yogurt - does it kill the live cultures?


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
I've been adding yogurt to a hand-feeding formula so the girl I'm feeding gets live cultures...I warm it up in the microwave, because I make 2-3 days' worth at a time and refrigerate it. I just got to wondering if I'm harming the beneficial cultures in the yogurt by heating them in the microwave?? Also, if I add it to the blender...can I hurt the little cultures by blending them? Probably sounds like a silly question, but if I'm harming the little buggers, I need to find another way to get them into my bird. Thanks!
Thanks, MissPrissy - I'll have to get a temp on my mixture when it comes out of the microwave next. If it's too warm, guess I'll just let it cool a bit & then hand-mix it in. Thanks!

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