HeavensHens88's Chat Thread!

we freak out too much
do you not expect us to not freak out after..

elderly bomb harvesters
drug users firing guns left and right right next to your house in the woods
proceeding to run out and mess with your chickens while the drug users are shooting guns left and right
aaaand you getting hit in the head with a 40 pound concrete lamp

seems logical XD
Would you PLEASE inform as to why you always have to be so right!?! -_- :rolleyes:
Aaand she disappears. :lol:
And, yup, I never got an alert for this. :rolleyes:
What is it? :D

It's about albinos like NZs I can't seem to find anything on whether they carry color genes and hide them or not. :confused: I was trying to figure out if all the colors in Hamada's litter were from him only or a combination of him and genes Granny carries but hides

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