Heavy breathing


Aug 2, 2019
I have a 3 year old Pekin...I think he's a Jumbo. For the past several days he has had labored breathing, he is isolating himself from the other ducks and I think what he is doing is sneezing. Today he's just not acting like himself at all. He just stays to himself and looks off over a field. He likes to be spoon fed and I took him some peas. He are 2 spoons but didn't want anymore.
Is a vet an option? Could be respiratory and getting him on an antibiotic maybe what he needs.
I thought I answered but I don't see it. I'm not on top of things these days. I had a ruptured brain aneurysm and stroke and my brain plays tricks on me sometimes now. I haven't been able to find a vet within a 50 miles radius that take care of ducks. He looked a little better today and is hanging out with some girls. The other drake I have is certainly taking advantage of the situation.

I'm getting ready to go check on him again. He went in the pond earlier.
Is the other drake picking on him? that can be a problem also.Make him not want to be part of the flock etc.
I'm so sorry to hear about the aneurysm and stroke I hope your recovering.
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Here I go out on a limb. Is there any human antibiotic that I can give my drake and if there is does anybody know what dose. My doctor said he would write a prescription if I can find out the dosage...he doesn't want to kill my duck. I'm going to hit the phones for vets out of my area to see if I can find out but thought somebody on here might be able to help.
Well, I shamed my vet into actually doing some work. I called and told them my family doctor was going to write a prescription for my duck. They said it had to be a vet prescription and I told them not for amoxicillin. I found the dosage online. They put me on hold, the vet came on the phone and said they could give me something if I can give it to him myself. I'm heading out the door to go pick it up. Fingers crossed.
Well, I shamed my vet into actually doing some work. I called and told them my family doctor was going to write a prescription for my duck. They said it had to be a vet prescription and I told them not for amoxicillin. I found the dosage online. They put me on hold, the vet came on the phone and said they could give me something if I can give it to him myself. I'm heading out the door to go pick it up. Fingers crossed.
It seems to be working. We are on day 3. Yesterday he got back in the pond with his 3 friends. His breathing is back to normal, as far as not be labored, instead of a loud breathing he has a whistle like sound and he's not keeping his beak open when he breaths. The medicine was Baytril.

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