Heeeeeeeeelp! Barred Rock lost her tail!


Bantam Queen
7 Years
Apr 28, 2016
New York
Hi! My Barred Rock, Oreo has lost her tail and I don't know why. She had less and less feathers on her tail until she was just down to one. Then, one morning she had none. She seems healthy sonwahat could be the problem? Any comment?

Hi! Mites can make them lose feathers, but since it's just the tail, I would guess that she's being picked on. Have you seen any of the other birds bully her at all?
Pictures? My Roo recently lost all his tail feathers, but I'm pretty sure it was fighting off a predator because I had lost two chickens to it already .Also they (the tail feathers) were scattered around the pen and none of my other birds will even stand up to let alone challenge him!.
I was wondering if it was just molting. I never see any of the chickens bullying her so I don't think that, that is the case. I'll try to post some pitures. Thanks!

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