

8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
That's what my 3 yr old niece says instead of hello.

I am brand spankin new to blogs and chickens so bear with me please.....
I am the new happy and sad owner of what was 8 now down to 5 chicks that are 2 weeks old. Kind of a motley crew of EE, Olive Eggers, Marons, Polish, Barred rock, and mottled Leghorns. Not sure of the gender either so we are definitely keeping our first shot of this interesting. Also have 2 boys (ages 9 and 11) and 3 dogs (1 Tibetian Terrier, 1 Bishon/Yorkie mix, 1 Yorkie) all running around at the same time so there is never a dull moment.

I found BYC from a google search and boy am I glad I did. I've spent countless hours on here trying learn as much as I can for this new adventure so thank you all for that. I thought I was doing everything right but in the last 3 days have lost 3 chicks so something isn't working. I'll be posting that question in the 'raising chicks' section later in hopes of some answers. There is nothing worse than not knowing why...

Anyway, thanks for having this wonderful resource for us newbies. I'll get better at this as I practice and hope to share some pictures soon.

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