Hello again!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 6, 2012
Hi everybody! It has literally been years since I’ve joined and commented on BYC. Back in 2012 I was a wannabe chicken owner. The subdivision we lived in didn’t allow chickens but the neighbor whose property backed up to ours did. I thought I was going to be able to ask them if I could lease a small fraction of their property so I could get my chickens but life had other plans.

I was my mom’s caregiver. At the beginning of 2013 she started going downhill. She passed away that June. We had a mold problem in the house we lived in at the time. Around the first part of May we had contractors in fixing the problem. Apparently we hired the same contractors from the movie Money Pit. In July we fired them and finished the job ourselves. Then I had cataract surgery and right after Thanksgiving we were told the plant my husband worked at was being sold. He tried working for the new company for a little over a year but couldn’t take it anymore. After working in the same building for 30+ years he got another job that moved us 2 states away. We wanted to make sure we didn’t end up with buyer’s remorse so we lived in our camper for a few months until we found our place. It was worth it. Last winter my husband built our chicken palace, er, tractor and on St. Patrick’s Day we bought 2 Buff Chantecler’s, 2 RIR, 2 Welsummer’s and 2 Barred Rocks! If there are other wannabe’s out there, don’t give up. Just because life doesn’t always go according to our schedule doesn’t mean you should toss in the towel. It only means you have to take a different road sometimes.

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