Hello All From South Jersey - "The Sticks"


9 Years
Jun 16, 2014
South Jersey - down on the farm.
My husband is already a member of BYC, however, he is so busy with work and "chores" that he never gets the time to post on here so I decided (after so many questions I have asked him and he has stated "you need to go on the forum") that it is time that I become a member myself. I have been married to my hubby for 26 years. We have two lovely "human" children, a daughter that will be 16 soon and a son that is 14. We also have 1 horse, 2 cats (1 is a Bengalx who is 22 lbs!), tanks full of fish, a hermit crab. AND now we are parents to 25 chickens.( 11 Buff Orpingtons, 5 Buckeyes, 5 Dominiques, 4 mixed breed red pullets) We initially intended to only have 15. Things got crazy after the first 15 we ordered from a hatchery in Mo. all died after arrival. It was extremely traumatic. We ordered them, they were shipped on a Wednesday and weren't delivered to our post office until the Sunday after. Three of them were dead when we picked up the package. For the next 16 hours, (after tending each one with a dropper and electrolite/probiotic water) one by one, each of them died. All but one. The following Monday morning, I raced to the nearest open Tractor Supply and bought 6 more (required purchase) to keep the survivor company. The poor thing died 2 hours later. After notifying the Hatchery of the issue. They made arrangements to ship 15 more. When shipment day came my husband was notified that something went wrong with the hatching of the Orpingtons, and they would have to either postpone the shipment, or they would have to ship the Orpingtons as straight runs. They sent us 9 instead of 5 to try to help us get 5 hens out of the lot. Thankfully, all of the new chicks arrived healthy in 3 days. So that's where it all begins. I am extremely excited to be a member of this forum. I hope I don't bore you all with my stories and, I am sure, my millions of questions!
Hey. New here as well. I'm in ocean county not really south jersey but more like south/ central some people call it south! We are growing up 3 polish crested x silkie crosses 2 buff Orpington and 2 barred rocks. All are about 3 weeks old now.

Welcome to BYC!

Oh, I am so sorry about all the losses! That is just awful! Well, I am glad you finally got some chicks to arrive safely! You will enjoy your Orpingtons. They are a very docile friendly breed of chicken. Very affectionate and great layers as well. Work with them as babies and you will have lap chickens in no time!

Make yourself at home here on BYC and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy your new babies and welcome to our flock!
I don't live in SJ anymore but I go back at least 3 times a year. Family!!

Vineland/Bridgeton area. But Welcome to BYC!
Hi and thanks! We live almost right along the Maurice river. As far east in Salem County as you can get. Vineland is about 10 minutes from our house! What a small world! Nice to meet you. You will probably see me a lot on here. We are new to chickens and we will probably have a million questions.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about your losses, glad the rest of the chicks are doing well.

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