Hello All!


In the Brooder
Jul 18, 2015
I am a director of a Day shelter for homeless adults in the heart of Jackson Mississippi and we decided to raise chickens about six months ago. My clients and I are the proud parents of 8 Buff Orphingtons ladies that we have spoiled rotten from 2 weeks old and are now preparing to lay their first eggs! This is all new to me so I look forward to learning all I can as we enjoy our gang of girls.
Hello and
I had a Buff Orpington once and she was so sweet! I would love to see pictures of your chickadees!
Hi, welcome to BYC!

You have some fine looking BO's there, thanks for sharing the photos!

If you haven't been to the Learning Center yet, this link will get you there. It's full of good articles on all aspects of chicken care. And if you have any questions (or just want to share more pictures), feel free to ask!

Good to have you here and hoping you get lots of eggs soon!

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