Hello all!


8 Years
Dec 20, 2012
Gold Country, CA
Hello, My name is Lisa and thanks to ChickNmamma (Dian) I finally have chickens. I don't know why it took me so long as I have always loved all birds. She would come and visit my husband and I and bring fresh eggs, so good. Well she called me in April to tell me of some chicks she picked up at the feed store and of course I had to have some. I got lucky as they were straight run and I ended up with 3 Buff Orpington hens, 2 Gold Lace Wyandotte hens, 1 mille fleur D'uccle hen, 1 porcelain D'uccle hen and 1 porcelain D'uccle rooster. The Orpingtons started laying at 18 weeks the others were a couple weeks behind. My husband built them a really nice 10 x 12 hen house. We found the one we liked here on BYC , fireguy's56 chicken coup was the name. This is a great place to come and read and learn
Welcome to BYC!


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