Hello and a mating question!


Feb 19, 2018
The Netherlands
Hi everyone!

I am Robin, I am happy to be here and learn more! I have two Indian Runners Pippin(female) and Myn(male. They Will be two in may. I raised them myself, and they love

This is Myn on one of our walks(excuse his dirty face!)

And this is Pippin asking for attention.
I also have a question. Myn mated with Pippin last year, Pippin Made a nest two times. I replaced the eggs and everything was fine.
Now this year, it’s only february and Myn mates with her almost every day. Pippin doesn’t always run away, but sometimes she does. I noticed that Pippin became more vocal the last few weeks, I assumed it was because they have to remain in their run due to a bird desease around here. But now I think it is because of Myn. I am going to seperate them, but does anyone have an idea about how long they Will have to remain seperated?
Thank you all very much for your kind words and advice!
I was worried about them becoming unhappy too as they are flock animals, but Will Myn not keep trying to get to her? I am going to set up a temperary barrier tomorrow morning, they Will still see Each other that way so I can see how it Goes.
I can’t Buil a second enclosure at the moment, so I was thinking if Myn was really relentless I could bring Pippin inside, and let her interact with Myn in the garden when I am home. I would only let them interact when I am around, otherwise he could still mate with her, and to be fair that won’t be four hours a day. I have parrots inside and spend time with them too, and I don’t think I could give them enough interactions together. I Raised them inside and they still love to be inside whenever I let them, they play around a bit and nap on the couch:) But Maybe all problems Will be solved with a barrier so let’s see how that Goes first!
@N F C They are brother and sister, so I’d prefer not too!:D Also I am not interested in having more ducks, I wouldn’t be able to part with them! They are just too sweet and adorable!

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