Hello and Help


Dec 30, 2015
I have been using this site for some time - so much helpful information.

I am hoping that someone can help me?? I have a rooster (mixed breed, born in April 2015) that we acquired for free in October. We do not know his history or vaccination record, if any. He has always been unsteady on his feet - almost like he is dizzy and does not have good balance. He has always eaten, drank, crowed and pooped just fine so we never were too concerned. However, today when I went out to the coop, I saw him twist his head to one side and fall over. He was not able to get up on his own and his head/neck remained twisted to the left side. We have him with 10 Rhode Island Red hens so I immediately isolated him. He tries unsuccessfully to stand whenever I check on him and his head has remained turned to the side. Our hens have always seemed fine, they were born in June and have never exhibited any unsteadiness. This is our first go around with layers and roosters so I really don't know what I don't know. We have raised broilers so I am familiar with Mareks and did read about AE. If anyone has any information, I would so appreciate it. THANKS!
Welcome! This is a great site full of helpful people. when you get a chance check out the learning center, it is full of good information.
I am sorry about your rooster, I do not know enough to give you good information. Try posting your question in the Emergency disease and injury thread, hopefully someone with experience will see it and answer. Until then keep him seperated and make sure he drinks.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm sorry to hear that your rooster is having problems. Definitely post on our Emergency section in Raising BackYard Chickens under the Forum at the top of the page and take advantage of our experts there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. I hope your rooster is better soon.

So sorry to hear about your roo's problem. The emergency forum is a good place to ask, I'm wondering if it could be wry neck? There are a lot of threads about that and some treatments, here is one of those threads:
If you type wry neck in the search box (upper left under the logo) you'll get back a list of other threads about it.

Good luck to you and your rooster!
Thank you for the info about wry neck. I had never heard of that. My rooster passed away early this am. It happened so fast. I'm just glad for the resources on this site and all those who tried to help me. Thanks!

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