hello and thanks


8 Years
Apr 9, 2014
20 miles north of Syracuse, NY
Hi All,

Our family recently picked up 6 chicks, and we are excited about raising chickens for the first time. Our daughters, as you can imagine, are thrilled. And they are helping as much as they said they would, which makes their parents thrilled. :)

Thanks for all the information this site provides. It really helped us prepare for the chicks and our responsibilities, and we expect we'll be spending even more time here in the future. We look forward to getting to know you better.

From just outside the Falcon, CO, area,

The Golden family

Welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! Have you stopped by our learning center yet? Lots of great reads to get you started raising your new brood....


If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC - great that your daughters are involved. You may want to check out the possibility of them joining a 4 H poultry club. Enjoy your new flock.
Thanks for the welcome messages!

The learning center is filled with great information, and we read it frequently (though we have plenty more to read). The 4H suggestion is a great one. We come from an area without 4H, so it wasn't even on my radar, but I bet our girls would love it.

Again, glad to be a part of the community. :)

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