Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Hey Becky,
Most exhibitors that raise OE use a breeding system called double mating. One line is bred for superior males and one for females. I use my best exhibiton male over females that may not be the best show birds but they have the necessary traits to throw great show males. The females that I use have darker necks,wide tails,larger comb,taller birds. I only maintain a male line because its hard to maintain a great female and male line. I mostly just show males and when you get a male right with good type and color he is hard to beat.The way to get great show birds is cull hard your not going to raise 10 and get 8 good ones. I try to raise 150-200 Creles a year and you still may not get but 10 great show birds if that.
i'v been breeding show chickens for a while but not on any grand scale, and i'v always kind of wondered what somebody would do with 125 culls. i'v always been able to find homes for 2 or three from people who just want pets, or i'l try to give them them away at a swap, but a hundred or so birds? i mean, i have no problems slaughtering meat birds for food, but these guys are my pets...
Does anyone have pics of Crele hens? Just wondering. Those crele roos are just beautiful. I just play around with the low quality birds.
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Dear Chickenlover54,

Thanks for your answer ! Now I am more informed and know that I am in the PQ class ho ho ! But I still am intending to augment my flock and those beautiful OEGB of the Crele type are sure high on my list of pets . The picture just posted is wonderful ! The birds are gorgeous and the shot is very quizzical. The birds look very amused and yet sure of themselves that they do know how purrty they are ! That particular shot could be used with a great variety of captions. Mary
FW--Thanks for the pics. Very pretty girls. There is a lot more red in the neck feathers than I was expecting. Just lovely.

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