Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

You are very welcome and Crele hens on some the chest is lighter than mine in the pic.
Mine are from show stock but are considered i guess the new word i heard here (breeder quality?) i have always just said they were from show stock. ( buy my breeder birds from breeders that show)
Labels can be very deceiving and some people use them for dishonest gain so be careful
I once had an old fancier tell me a true SQ bird was one that could go to nationals or a big show like the old English Jamboree and place and anything less was a BQ bird which meant you might have the chance to raise a SQ bird out of it but no guarantee. The word Show Quality is throwed around alot but you dont raise many of them a year.
I got lucky back in the Spring of 2009 and picked up a pair of self blues at my local TSC. I don't have a pic of my little pullett, but this is my cockrel. I just love him, but he does not like my DH! He tries to sneak up behind him and spur him. He used to do me the same way, but I took the advice of some of the BYC members and picked him up and carried him around when he tried it. He finally stopped doing it to me (he's so little, as long as I had my long pants on it didn't hurt), but he still gets after DH. Maybe it's the testosterone thing!

I'd hope to breed them this coming Spring. Are they good setters?
I raised self blue oe for a number of year. I had 5 trios and only two of my girls would like to set. The rest could have cared less.
I'll just have to wait and see I guess. DH is trying to get me to get rid of them and raise only Bantam Silver Laced Cochins, but I hope to keep a mixture of breeds. It makes things more interesting IMO.
Oh i hope you don't have to rid of them

I have Self Blue's and mine set every year in fact the 2 hens i have with a roo fight over the nest to set so don't give up

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