Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

I would say buff because there are very few. I think I read somewhere there is someone in FL working on a line of show quality buffs. I've never seen one myself. After that, I would say opals. Around here (GA), there are a lot of breeders that have very nice-good type and color birds. Competition at shows is fierce. OEGBs always have the largest number of entries. If you have a bird of very good type, it really doesn't matter which variety it is, it will sell. If you have a perfectly colored bird of poor type, it won't (except to someone who doesn't know any better). I saw a pair of white OEGBs for sale at the Nationals that I would have given my right arm for (and I have never particularly wanted the white variety). The rooster was as close to perfect type that I have ever seen. People were crowded around the cage looking at them. Unfortunately, my right arm isn't worth $1500 which is what they sold for. My point is, breed for superior type with color being secondary and you'll always have people wanting to buy your birds. Also, listen to the old guys that have been breeding OEGBs for decades. I've learned more from some of those guys in 5 minutes than any book. PM me if you want some names and numbers of breeders in GA, AL, TN, NC. Lots of good ones in the Southeast.
Yes, a Porcelain is just a Self Blue or "Lavender" Mille Fleur. Here is the explaination of the Porcelain color and genetics from Ideal Poultry's website:

"Genetically, Porcelain Old English Bantams are the same as Mille Fleur Old English Bantams with the addition of the autosomal recessive Lavendar (lav) gene in the homozygous state (lav lav). The Lavendar (lav) gene in the homozygous state results in the dilution of brown shades to straw colored and black to pale blue. The general color of males and females is the same; although, the straw colored plumage of the females is lighter in some sections. Much of the plumage is straw colored with each feather marked with a crescent-shaped spangle of pale blue near the end of each feather that is tipped with a V-shaped white spangle."
What percentage of what do you get if you cross a Porcelain and a Mille?
What percentage of what do you get if you cross a Porcelain and a Mille?

Since the Lavendar is recessive your F1s will all be regular-looking Mille Fleurs that each have one copy of the Lavendar. If you cross the F1s with one another, you should get approximately 25% Mille Fleur, 50% Mille Fleur with a Lavendar gene, and 25% Porcelain.

Here is a color calculator that I like: http://kippenjungle.nl/kruisingKipF...loc:e+/e+&fgt=Sloc:s+/-,Iloc:i+/i+,Eloc:e+/e+

The link is really long because it's the "Tab View" version.
Hey everyone,
I'm just wondering if anyone here breeds some real nice spangled oeg bantams and would either ship birds or eggs to Ontario, Canada. I have some but am looking to improve my birds with new blood. Please if you have anything or know anyone with some let me know and that is willing to ship.
Since the Lavendar is recessive your F1s will all be regular-looking Mille Fleurs that each have one copy of the Lavendar. If you cross the F1s with one another, you should get approximately 25% Mille Fleur, 50% Mille Fleur with a Lavendar gene, and 25% Porcelain.

Here is a color calculator that I like: http://kippenjungle.nl/kruisingKipF...loc:e+/e+&fgt=Sloc:s+/-,Iloc:i+/i+,Eloc:e+/e+

The link is really long because it's the "Tab View" version.
I've tried that calculator before and I just can't figure out how to use it. I'm not real sure what all the letters stand for and I can't find mille fleur in it. I just don't understand genetics
I've tried that calculator before and I just can't figure out how to use it. I'm not real sure what all the letters stand for and I can't find mille fleur in it. I just don't understand genetics
I have a tough time remembering all the genes too, that's why I use the Tab View version. If you go the the Browse M and the F tabs you can pick ground color and pattern color from drop down menus, and then select the pattern from pictures. So for a Mille Fleur rooster you go to Browse M, the ground color would be Red, pattern color would be Black, then you select the Mille Fleur bird (which is the second from the right on the second row), and the calculator puts it in for you on the first page. If you want to breed to a Porcelain hen you go to the F tab, leave ground color as red, select Lavendar for the pattern color, choose the Mille Fleur patterened bird again, then press Calculate on the first page and there you have it. If you are unsure of a pattern on the little chicken pictures, just let your mouse sit over the picture and a screen tip will pop up with the pattern that the bird is supposed to be.

For OEGBs you only need the color and pattern stuff, so don't worry about all the genes stacked up at the very bottom of the page because they are for feathered feet, silky, frizzle, different combs, etc. None of which applies to OEGBs.

What I think is really neat on the Tab View calculator is that after you make a first cross, you can go to the Genotypes M and F tabs to select a rooster and a hen out of the first cross to make a second cross without having to start over.
Hey folks, we found a chicken here (Ventura CA) that was tiny- I assumed it was a Serama and posted her in their thread. Somebody there let me know she's an OEGB.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get her back to her owner, but if the owner can't be found, I wouldn't mind passing her to someone out here who has a flock she can go to. Very pretty little thing, seriously about the size of a pigeon, and very human friendly, lets me pick her up. My big flock won't let her join them here, they probably think she's a sparrow stealing food. ;)

Anyway, she is banded (green band) and white and tan in color. Pictures to follow.

Any help finding her a home or finding her owner would be appreciated.

Nevermind! Found her a home.

If the original owner comes across this and wants her back, I'm sure the guy who's taking her will be helpful with that. Contact me if you think she might have been yours..

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