Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.


this is my Ginger Red oegb about 1 year and two months old. (pure breed)
QUESTION: I have day old BB Red OEGM chicks, 4 so far, just hatched from shipped eggs.

It is easy to sex them at birth but do I need to mark them to distinguish the sex weeks from now? Or do the eye markings remain obvious as they grow? They are being raised by two OEGB hens in the coop so I may not be able to observe each of them closely every day to see if changes are occurring.
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I have looked through most of this thread and I am wondering where the nice cages come from? I've a big bunch of OEGB's in my brooder and as I sort through them and get to picking my keepers down the line, I can see that having nice wire cages might be nice. Very cool thread, love the little guys…

I currently only have 1 OEGB. But I love her! She was hatched on 5/23/14 she is a beautiful porcelain!
I will try to post pics of her later!

All of your and pics are just beautiful!
Well my first photograph to the OEGB thread. I have some Silver Duckwing, Ginger, and of course BBReds. Looks like some silver and gold Sebrights snuck into the shot as well… Looking forward to see how these turn out. Love them OEGB's.

They are just trying out the new horizontal nipple water bucket, it has seemed to pass the peck test.

Best to you folks and your birds,

How accurate is it really to use the comb to determine the sex of a bantam? These 3 little guys are almost 4 weeks old. I think they're OEGBs. Any thoughts?
See if you can take better pictures. The chick on the right looks like a pullet to me, often the eye line will help you determine sex for the salmon breasted chicks, does she have a strong dark eye line?
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