Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Oh go get you some, you know you want them...
I'm sure you have room for one more pair....
Are my OEGB's show quality? The picture of the pullet isnt very good, she had her feathers ruffled and she was cleaning herself so her wing was down.



This is just my opinion,The cockerel could be shown but I wouldnt expect him to place very well.He has a lot of white fluff at the base of his tail and his tail angle looks to be pretty high.The desired angle is 45 degrees at the shaft of the sickles.He would also have to be dubbed to be shown.He does have pretty good color.As far as the female it's hard to say,the showable female bb reds are alot different than the females used to produce good males.Yours looks to be in molt so its hard to say.I will try to post a picture of one of my males to show you the difference in tail angle.
Is fluff not allowable on BBR's, i know its not on most varieties, but with wheatons it's perfectly acceptable, not written into the standard but they're allowed to have a certain amount of fluff showing at the base of their tail. The male looks good overall, if it was me judging i'd look for a little more back, but overall he has a good stance and decent color. But it often comes down to the individual judge, one may really like the bird, and another may not, its a competition thats really open to personal preference, even with the standard.
Thanks for all the help. The reason i was asking is because i wanted to breed them in the spring. Would it be worth it? Would people be willing to buy the offspring?
Some will show BB's with a small amount of fluff on them,but it all depends on the level of competition you are showing in.At a county or even most state fairs you may get away with it but if you go to a big OE show the top birds will not have any fluff showing.You can oil and hide a very small amount of fluff but you have to have the saddle feathering to cover it.
this is my spangled cockerel. he is 5 1/2 months old. its not the best pic

he has been to a couple of small shows and done well we are going to some bigger ones this fall.
ok that is the bunny here is the bird
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