Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Can someone please post the difference between a Wheaten and a Black Breasted Red. I have a friend who has one and they do not know what to enter it as. Pictures would be appriciated.
The roosters look the same but wheaten hen is much lighter in color. Here are Blue Breasted Red hens
and here is a Wheaten hen
The hackle and saddle on a wheaton will be much lighter than a bb red that is the right color.This is a bb red cockerel of ours.
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Hi all!! I have my 10 standard hens and 2 banty polish gals. We have a beautiful balance of happy girls who all get along. I've always dreamed of a little OEGB Roo to take care of the gals. Yesterday, at the Natl. Western Stock Show in Denver I bought a beautiful OE Blue Brassy Bantam Cockerel. He's just delightful. He's a cuddly, calm beautiful boy. I do have some questions...

1. What are his odds of actually having success fertilizing the eggs from my big girls. He's about 1/4 the size of them. I don't really want/need/care about fertilized eggs - just curious.

2. How will everyone feel about him coming into the family? Do I need to help with assimilation?

3 I do have heat in the coop. Do I need to worry about his little body staying warm?

4. Will he care about 3 mini pygmy goats sharing his yard? They are very mild mannered.

5. Will he be a flight risk? I have a 10-11 ft game fence with about 5 ft. of chicken wire from the ground up. I don't want him getting out. Maybe he won't think of leaving his gals.

6. Are there any other needs that he would have different from the hens? They all get locked up at night, have heat, lots of fresh water and food, a 150x300' garden to live in, etc.... (My DH says the birds get more love than him....

Thanks for your help. I'm so happy to have him and all his personality join our family. I just want to get it right.

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