Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Thanks guys, that is all very helpful. I had a feeling he was not too typey, a bit coarse; he wandered into a woman's yard and she wanted him out as he treed her huge buff orpington rooster! : )
I DID breed him to a hen pumpkin hulsey and got a pretty little pullet I am going to breed back to him. Who knows, may get a good one and start my own strain! : ) Anyway, thanks everyone. I REALLY appreciate the help!
Hey everybody! I went to a swap today, and, well... I'm now the proud owner of a pair of self-blue OEGB. And gosh, are they cute. What have I been missing out on all of this time?

The roo, however, isn't dubbed. The comb is all floppy and cold-sensitive looking. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to find someone to dub your birds? I certainly couldn't...
self blue are a very pretty variety...welcome to the club
If thats a hatchery bird it is a good one for a hatchery. At least he doesn't have white earlobes. No good in a show pen.
I LOVE the pics! I'm in love with your birds! I was told my rescue bebe is a BBRed so I'm posting here on the assumption that's true.
Can you experts tell me if that's correct from these pics?





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