Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

I looked it up - silver duckwings are beautiful! TY for answering, I do hope it's in the OEGB category.

I don't think OEGB have yellow legs though. May be mixed with something.
Doesn't look like my creles. Wrong leg color. I ordered some BB Reds from a hatchery, a long time ago, and the chicks had different leg colors.

(Racing stripes) --I think I'll use that, if you don't mind.
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go on youtube and search OEGB dubbing, or OEGB dub... my video will come up... it's called gumbii the amazing cock dubber... my friend named it.. LOL...

also do a BYC search for dubbing henry or something like that... it's a thread i made a while back... has a lot of good info about dubbing in there...

good luck...

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