Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

I need help from anyone who has experience with Old english...
I have never had them before (or banthams for that matter) and i recently saved a silver duckwing old english bantham hen...(breed known only thanks to BYC).

The owner kept her in a crate in a basement her whole life (5 months) so she has never been outside or around other birds.

She is in bad shape and worries me...her feet are badly deformed (cant jump high, walks crooked) and she only has 70% of the feathers that she should have. This girl could be so beautiful and is friendly. Right now, she in a baby chick pen next to the big guys and i'm trying to slowly introduce her to different normal chicken treats and just general outdoor stuff. I also gave her vitamins in her water....Do game birds or banthams need any other specail concerns that i should know about?
Could you post pictures of her deformed feet? If she has bad feet i would take her off wire (if she's on it). Did you give her a bath? She might enjoy that and it will make her nice and clean, other then that it will just take time. Turn her out in a little pen in the grass so she can enjoy it. Im really curious about her feet.

I bought 2 "Mystery Bantams" at one of my local feed stores. They are now several weeks old and I'm pretty sure they are both girls (no sign of comb or wattles) and OEGBs. I raise my chickies in groups of 2, 3 or more, so they can easily be introduced into the flock with some friends. One is already outside in the big girls coop with her "flock" of a Blue Andalusian and BO. The other one (my little favorite named Cleo) is still in the basement with her little "flock" because she is smaller and SO attached to me (and I am to her as well) I couldn't bear to put her outside yet. She is smaller that the other one, but has all her feathers and could easily be outside, but I spoil her rotten. Here are some pics of both of them. I would love if you OEGB experts could tell me if they are, indeed OEGB, and if so, what colors are they? I don't think the pics are good enough to guess at gender, but I will try to get some better photos to post for that.


The suspected OEGB is the little whitish/ gray one on the far right. She is still a gorgeous white/ cream/ gray color.


My beloved Cleo at about 2 weeks.


Cleo and my Blue Andalusian. Cleo is mostly feathered out in this =one and looks very much like that now.


Cleo and B.A. again.

What is ya'lls opinion?
Kind of hard to tell...but she kinda looks like she could be Blue Quail or Blue Brassy.... I ordered a bunch of both from Ideal last year and they came out looking like that...
Cleo looks like she could be a fawn duckwing or along those lines...
Good deal
...I got 6 babies right now, 1 spangle, 2 blue brassy, 2 bantam shamo and 1 modern game bantam...got 70 eggs in bator, and another 2 dozen goin in tonight....have half a dozen or so from my blue spangle pen, I am really waitin for the blue spangle sport pullet to start laying, I have two really nice spangled cockbirds I want to put her under, both from top breeders, see which one crosses best over her...that little pullet is gonna be a busy little bee this year
Currently i have 6 OE Chicks in the brooder, 12+ going into the incubator monday and then 25 due in from ideal may 4th. Im hoping i'll be able to get a few decent birds.
Aloha all, since this is the thread for OEGB experts, I thought I'd post since my bebe's a little older now. Estimated age of this rescued chick is close to 6 weeks but I only have pics up to last week.

Many are saying that this is a BBR OEGB & I think I may have posted here earlier. I just wanted your opinions b/c the more I look at pics of OEGBs & EEs, I'm convinced I have an EE. The majority thought "roo" up until I posted this past week & now all say pullet. I'm hoping pullet.

TY in advance!

A few days old, its first day home with us

Maybe 1 to 1-1/2 weeks old here

About 4 weeks here - the pic everyone thought roo

The last 2 pics are 5 weeks


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