Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

In oegb at least, what people are calling chocolate is actually dun. There is a chocolate gene, but as far as I know, it is only seen in orpingtons and seramas at this point. Dun is an incomplete dominant, as is blue. Self blue breeds totally different. Carl, correct me if Im wrong, but I believe Opal x Opal gives you 100% opal. I believe it breeds similiar to self blue. But carl will fill us in on it.

i know that... i have some fawn silver duckwings... hatched out some khaki pullets and cockerels... i'm going to pair them up to some black pullets and roo's i got from choice a while back... i know how dun breeds... just wasn't sure about opal... i heard it came out of blacks somehow...

btw, polish also have the choc gene...

When breeding two Opal birds directly that have had no recent addition of other varieties they will breed true. Ron made several crosses to try to determine what the base was with no luck.
I can tell you the color itself has been popping up as early as 1986 when it was first documented and culled out. I can also tell you it does appear in other fowl in other countries. In other breeds and countries it has always appeared from Self Blue and isabel (Porcelian)
It is recesive to Dominant white, based on Ron's matings.
It Produces Black Offspring when Breed to Self Blue
It Produces Black Offspring when breed to Black
When Crossed with BB red it produced Black, Brown Red and BB red.
The Above crosses and others were made by Ron,
I have only used 1 cross which was with Recessive white to improve Type and feather quality. For This cross I used a Dark Opal male with 5 generations of no crosses behind him and proven breeder producing nothing out of ordinary.
From that all the females had some color but were brighter white in plumage than truly desired, the Males were the same both had diluted leg color.

oic... kind of like mahogany for white... or... buff for white..? man i'm confused... let me get a genetics book...

well... my roo and my hen are split for self blue... the off spring that i have hatched were great looking porcelains IMO... but the only one to hatch died... sucks... but i have one roo in the brooder that i will be breeding back into the mother... they're like... a couple of weeks old... not a lot of mottling yet... but i'll take pics as soon as i remember...
I'll have a few extra Opal cockrells when we are done culling this fall I'm sure. if not so long as the crossed line continues to show the expected improvement, now that we are 3 generations past the cross I will be selling off all of the pure Opals. That would certianly save you the trouble of re-inventing the wheel. But IMO one of the spare cockrells paired with the right well typed hens would be a step toward continued improvement of the variety.
We went to Trade Day and this lady had a pair of OEGB, we paid $9 for them, she couldn't remember how old they are but they are young and we will see an egg in the fall

Not the best photos but I wanted to share and get opinions on my little couple

The Roo

The Hen

Them together

They are in a different section of the run from the other chickens, so it was hard trying to get a pic with them running around checking out their new place, we are actually going to build them their own little chicken tractor and put them elsewhere in the yard, we have standard hens who just turned 9 wks and I told the family they shouldn't be mixed due to size difference, the bigger hens will pick on the smaller hens, so they are separated and seem happy in their own little place
and the other hens have to come over and stare at the little pint size peeps.
My little 6 week old BB red roo started crowing this week. He's so precocious! I have two silver Duckwing hens, two silver Duckwing roosters and the little BB red roo. Haven't decided which roo gets to stay. Anybody want a cute little roo? They are all very sweet and eat cherry tomatoes out of my hands while letting me pet them.

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