Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

The Dutch are just a hair smaller than the OEGB at 21oz for roosters. I guess I spoke too soon, I checked my poultry book and his comb isn't right for a Dutch. Either way, he's still pretty.
The Buff laced was developed at a hatchery and to the best of knowledge no one has really worked too hard to improve them. It is my understanding that the sebright was the color donor which often have white in the earlobes as do many varieties of OE until worked on very heavily, I have seen several buff laced over tha last two years and all that I recall had white in the earlobes. They are typically a bit smaller than other hatchery OE but that is likely the sebright influence.
Jockeyeba - You bet.

Well, I set my incubator on the 15th. I never got any eggs out of my little ginger hen.
I set 4 Silver Duckwings eggs and 8 eggs out of a pen with a BB Red rooster, a BB Red hen, a Red Pyle hen, and a Blue Brassy Back hen. It will be interesting to see what we end up with out of that group. The chicken color calculator said the ones out of the Pyle hen will be Red Pyles (F1s will not breed true) and the Blue Brassy Back has a shot at giving me Blue Red or BB Red roosters and Brassy Back or Blue Brassy Back hens. I'm not quite sure if I did that last one right in the calculator. Either way, it should be fun.
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Jockeyeba - You bet.

Well, I set my incubator on the 15th. I never got any eggs out of my little ginger hen.
I set 4 Silver Duckwings eggs and 8 eggs out of a pen with a BB Red rooster, a BB Red hen, a Red Pyle hen, and a Blue Brassy Back hen. It will be interesting to see what we end up with out of that group. The chicken color calculator said the ones out of the Pyle hen will be Red Pyles (F1s will not breed true) and the Blue Brassy Back has a shot at giving me Blue Red or BB Red roosters and Brassy Back or Blue Brassy Back hens. I'm not quite sure if I did that last one right in the calculator. Either way, it should be fun.
Can you give me a link to this calculator? I've been trying to find out what color my little 5 week old cockerel is going to be. He is from a Black Tailed Buff Hen and a Black Breasted Brassy Back Rooster. I thought he was going to have green legs, but they are turning more blue as he grows up. All three are of the Bantam variety. Right now he's feathering in with a beautiful dark gold color with a sprinkle of dark grey and has some black tail feathers just starting.

Thank you!
Wow, thank you. If I did this right I'm going to have a beautiful Rooster. He's growing so fast...I have to find a home for him so he and his father don't fight. I have a small flock of 11 chickens. His father is King of the flock, so I don't think he is going to be willing to share. But I could be wrong. What are the experiences of others out there with small flocks and how many cocks to a flock?
HappyHenMama - I think it really just depends on how your chickens are kept. We have 5 OEGB roosters, 1 Cochin bantam rooster, 1 Buff Brahma bantam rooster (who is free to a good home if anyone wants him), and only 16 hens. Right now, only the Cochin rooster is in the run with all the hens and all of the other roosters are free ranging outside. I separate them and pair them up with their matching hens in my breeder pens when I want hatching eggs, but the rest of the time they get to run around. The worst fights happened when I let them back out after they had been with their hens, but no one was seriously injured and they sorted out their "pecking" order before the next day. Now the roosters outside argue every so often, but someone always walks away and they don't get in to serious fights. I think our whole flock would get along together fine if they were allowed to free range, but I would probably never see another egg out of my OEGB hens if I let them out to lay their eggs where ever they wanted.
My alpha roo is sweet (and huge) After a little "setting things straight" (which is mostly posturing) he has gotten along with all other roos we have exposed him too. I think there have been 7 other roos we have had him share his space with most just short term. He's my keeper.
A few updated pics of some birds that some may enjoy.

Opal, both young and many more to foolow I expect to have these and a few others at nationals later this year along with several other shows.

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