Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

I can't say if they are "show quality" or not, but I think they are pretty little girls. Maybe someone else can answer as to how well they would show?
So what do u think of these guys. Got them in april, not sure how old they were but they were fully feathered.

BB Red, she has a much better tail when she actually fans it out.

Silver Duckwing, her tail isnt grown back in from moult.

Do ya think they would do well in shows or not? And please tell me the reasons so i can learn.
Thanks, Lisa
Gena, very nice pullet, if I had to fault her for anything it would be the tail carriage on the bottom feathers not being horizontal.. little better tail spread but I'm sure like the rest of us the pic never does the bird justice. she is quite nice..
Thanks everyone. Her tail is above but not as bad as the photo shows. She is going to a couple this weekend for their kids to show.
wow. took some digging but i found the oegb thread. 8)

I'll have to get some pics of my guys to put up. I haven't had time to read all... 236 pages. lol it'll take me a while for sure.

anyways, I've got a few, not many. i've got a silver duckwing hen, several crele pullets and cockerels and 1 cock i *thought* was a blue crele, but looking at him next to the true crele, i really don't know now. LOL

here's a pic of speckle, the ?? cock. suggestions what color he is (or isn't?)

not the greatest pic, he was just 'in the pic' of the bird i was aiming for. LOL

ps. for the curious, the birds behind are silver grey dorking and black cochin... and speckle was trying to out maneuver my sg dorking roo.
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Maybe a Silver Duckwing/Crele cross? I don't know, but I like him.
well, bred to a silver duckwing hen, i have gotten silver before, so maybe he's a gold-blue-barred (gold being heterozygous for silver?)

but i've also gotten red pullets, so i know he's ... something? LOL lost both chicks from the last hatch, got a few more eggs due thursday.

oldest chicks i have currently, one is a very red barred pullet (crele?), more red than a bbr (i think?) and the other is barred silver cockerel.

anyone have a pic of a 6-8 week old bbr pullet? i need to do some comparing because if she's red like she's supposed to be, my crele pullets aren't crele, but barred something else.
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