Hello BYC forum i am new!


Dec 1, 2015
Florence sc
Hello all, my name is David and i hail from Sc these days. I a have a real, although newly found, love for chickens!
I had chickens as a young child, white leghorns, and the hens were mean as they came. No need for a roo but we had one and he was a wimp! He got beat by his girls.

Now that the chicken background out of the way, here i am 30 yrs later and i have 6 chickens today, mixed layer flock. White leghorn,blk sexlink, barred rock, buff orp, easter egger, and an olive egger that looks like a blue copper with a beard lol. I say my flock today because my daughter has requested some silkies for pets and come thursday i will be making that happen. I'm a sucker for my girls, human and feathered.

The layers live in a 7x8 handmade, by me, coop with a 15x15 run. They get free ranged most everyday though. The new chickens will be in my tractor, also my creation, 8x4 with a movable paddock style run, which verys in length and width depending in how i stake it in the yard. The tractor will be getting 3 bantam cochins for now and silkies and babtam cochin chicks in a few weeks. The chicks are going into a big brooder in the shed for now.

My flock will be a little large for my wifes liking but she knows they contribute unlike her pet cat, so she deals with. Plus i live in a subdivision and while im not restricted i don't like angry neighbors so the flock will stop here.....for now lol.

Well i hope that is an exceptable introduction. Feel free to ask any questions you may have for me. Opps i almost forgot, my first love is my tropical fish, though fish and chickens are fast becoming 1a and 1b. Glad to finally be in the BYC family.
welcome to BYC :) sounds like you are well on your way! we have 6 red sex link hens and have been keeping chickens since May. We are loving every minute. There is a lot of useful info on this site..enjoy :)
Hi David and a warm welcome to BYC - great to have you onboard.

Its nice to read an introduction like yours and I'm very happy to read that chicken maths has already got you in its eternal grasp! I too am thinking of bantams next year - not really sure that i need any more chickens, but hey, never mind eh?

Feel free to ask away if you can't find answers to your questions, but the learning centre is a good source to begin with.

All the best

Welcome! Remind your wife of your chickens great bug eating powers. That more then anything sold me on chickens, my MIL, who lives a mile down the road, couldn't keep any flowers for all the grasshoppers. But my chickens kept my insect population down well enough that my plants thrived.
Oh yeah, you better believe the wife is all about the chickens eatting our bugs! One of my selling points last year as a matter of fact:)
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. You have a nice mix of breeds. Black Sex Links are my favorites (although they are actually hybirds and not a breed) as they are very friendly and hardy egg laying machines that churn out more than 300 large brown eggs per hen per year. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong place. I've been a member on this site for a long time but I've never done more than browse. I'm trying to figure out how to post a new topic. Can someone tell me please?
Hi David,

Super introduction, nice to 'meet' you! Make yourself at home here...jump in on the discussions, ask/answer questions, share pictures of your birds, etc. There is a lot of information available here and a lot of friendly, helpful members.

Thanks for joining us and good luck with your flock!
I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong place. I've been a member on this site for a long time but I've never done more than browse. I'm trying to figure out how to post a new topic. Can someone tell me please?

Take a look at the list of Forums, click on the one your post fits under best. Then in the upper left (under the BYC logo) you'll see a white box that says "Start A New Thread". Click on that box and you'll be able to type in your title and message.

Hope that helps.

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