Hello BYCers! Glad to be here


Mar 23, 2023
St Lawrence Co, NY
Hello! I'm from Northern New York, way up by the Canadian border. I've been reading BYC for years. Now I'm on a mission to hatch chicks for a friend. Although we can't keep chickens in my rural town (how stupid is that!) I thought hatching them for someone else would make a great next project.
What caused me to join, was to thank someone for adding their information to a post that I really related to. But now I see that with membership I can ask questions to help my new venture.
So thank you all so much for being here and sharing your questions and advice. Even if I never keep chickens of my own, I love to hear the tales.
We've had a rough time this year of buying eggs. With the mass cullings because of (you know what) in the big ag production, and homesteaders all alarmed this winter to find their chickens all across the country have stopped producing until recently. I think this is a great time for me to help my friend expand his chickens by running a hatchery in my home. And we now have the greatest supplier of eggs in return, better than the grocery store.
I'm so glad to finally join this community and look forward to joining your forum!

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