Hello chicken lovers


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 18, 2013
North Central Oklahoma
I am so excited I stumbled across this site, I am somewhat of a "newbie" to raising chickens, and have a 1,000 questions! I look forward to getting some great advice and ideas! Since everyone I know are city folk and think I'm crazy for my newfound love, it will be refreshing to talk with chicken enthusiasts!!
Welcome! The people on this site are so nice and helpful, you should be able to get answers to any and all questions.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! This may help:
https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/faq Also browse through the different sections and see what gets discussed where. You'll soon get a feel for it and get to know the site. Enjoy!
Thank you sumi, that does help. Living in a rural area with little to no signal on my cell phone, makes it hard to browse :)! I've never been on a site with such positive people willing to help..it's quite refreshing!

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