Hello! Chicken no0b here!


May 8, 2020
Wanted chickens for years (had a barn rooster 15 years ago) and they were on my farm's 2020 "to do" list. So, I got chicks and big hopes, still building the coop but it will be done soon, and then the five-nearly-six week olds can move out into that and out of the big water trough in my tack room that is entirely too small for them now. I just placed another order (another 15) because so far I think I am one of the unluckiest chick owners ever and am pretty certain I have about 60+ percent cockrels.

Hello jsgravel

:welcome :frow:woot
Welcome from Georgia, the Poultry capital of the world (2018).. Glad you have joined this chicken crazy board.

Here is a quick link to the articles area, lots of info on this forum, just look around. Also if you have a specific question the search engine (top right) is actually very good..
Thank you! I guess I could edit my profile so it shows location, I know that's helpful. I'm from western Washington (no, not Seattle, and no it doesn't rain all the time ;)).

As for the cockrels, I'm assuming anything with a red comb or wattles is probably male... It's a bummer, maybe not because I have four different breeds ("breeds" hatchery mutts) and obvious cockrel specimens and then ones with a lot of red but nothing else indicative, so either I do or don't, either way I'll have lots of birds and definitely built a coop big enough just in case.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
What are your plans for the cockerels?
Well, since my ultimate plan does include self-sufficiency (I also got a freeze dryer and have a large garden), I'm most likely going to butcher. I already emailed the closest processor too. It's super sad but I don't want to "eat" the cost of raising them, so I'm going to try eating them. If I can't* then I can always donate the meat. There is one sapphire olive egger male that is sweet so he might get to stay, but one of the wyandottes I can only hope can stay until 14 weeks before I send him outside the walls, so to speak - he's a jerk already.

*I'm not a vegetarian by any stretch but urp :sick

Welcome to Backyard Chickens, you are very welcome here :love

I also belong to a horse forum and man, newbies get treated way different here hahaha. Thanks all!

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