Hello Everyone, I just ordered 25 chicks!


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011

Im Megan (a total chicken novice) and I live with my husband and his brother/sister in law in a farm house that we are currently renovating. We are in sunny south Florida!
We just ordered 20 Aracauna females and 4 males, to be dual purpose - they'll be arriving in early august, and we cant wait~! No doubt I'll be asking many questions soon!
to our online family.. you will find answers to your questions and nice folks that quickly become friends

Congrats on getting your first chicks.. I have been a "chicken peep" for a little over a year and they get addicting.. DO not.. I repeat DO NOT start hatching your own eggs -- that is.. unless you want to fall victim to chicken math..next thing you know.. you will go from 25 to 100..in the blink of an eye..

Very happy to have you join us here.. make sure you share pictures when you can.

and enjoy your membership.

I have been raising birds for some twenty years and just joined in May when I ran into BYC by accident

There is NOT a day that goes buy that I do not learn something from the folks here. As my Grandfather said back in the 50's "When a day goes by and you don't learn something you are dead".

There is ALWAYS something...new coop ideas. new run ideas, a different way to incubate, different kinds of littler and food, and the best part is that there are more varied opinions that you can shake a stick at.

Again WELCOME, and the BEST OF LUCK with your birds.

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