Hello Everyone I'm new to BYC


In the Brooder
May 20, 2017
Lakeland, Florida
I am a retired Graphic Arts teacher now caring for my Mom who is 93. I live in Florida and have had laying hens on an off for 20+ years. I have always been lucky with my flock and never had any trouble except for the hawk or opossum that occasionally tried to steal a meal.

Its been a few years since I have had chickens and decided to get a few hens this spring. My husband who likes Rhode Island Reds and Buffs always bought them and would never have a mixed breed flock. But this time I adventured to buy Isa Browns, Buffs, and Asian Blues. I like watching the differences in the breeds and want to get some Seramas for pets.
I am thinking of buying some eggs and trying out an old incubator a friend gave me so I am sure I will be asking plenty of questions and doing a lot of research on BYC. If anyone has any advice I would be happy to have you share it with me. I hear that the eggs are delicate and they need the proper humidity. I have never done this before and I am not so sure about the Styrofoam incubator. I do know that my friend who owned the incubator hatched many chicks with it. He passed recently so I wont have his help.

I also have a black lab, 2 Rat Terriers and an American Hairless Terrier.
Awesome story, I love having a mixed flock! I have never incubated eggs before so I, unfortunately, do not have any advice to give. But welcome to Backyard Chickens! :welcome
I've never incubated eggs either but, there are hatching threads on BYC, as well as Candling charts that show what embryos look like at various stages, if you decide to candle your eggs.
I've never incubated eggs as my temperament does not mix well with the waiting! :hmm
The first time I incubated eggs only 3 survived. We had to maintain a certain temperature and humidity except for the last three days the humidity is higher. I put a small bowl of water for humidity, the chick drowned . A sponge is better.
Thank you. I'll check it out.
A current picture of my incubated chickens.

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