Hello everyone :)


Jul 24, 2016
First and foremost; I would like to say that we have recently retired and are newbie chicken keepers :D And very happy about it!On June 3rd 2016 we purchased out first dozen of HENS. Specifically for egg layers for us to eat. WELL! who knew ; we had our first ' Cocka-doodle-doooo !!! this morning :D. I believe one of our Amberlinks is a rooster lol. Also I am not sure but we believe one of our Black Australorps is also a roo. hahaha. All surprise to us. We purchased 12 sexed hens; but oops. lol. Anyway; We have a very nice coop and pen for our birds and would like any advice on what NOW to expect and how to care for our 'boys' haha. Thank you all so much in advance for any productive and helpful advice or comments :) We love this site for education and fun !
Welcome to BYC, Valentine. You landed in the right place. BYC is full of helpful friendly folk and great information. Take a look at the Learning Center tab above. It has everything you need to get off to a good start! Happy chickens!
Hi and
We had one of those "surprises" too! If you post a few pictures of the suspect roos in What Breed or Gender is This?, folks there should be able to help you out. Good luck and thanks for joining us!
Hi and :welcome  We had one of those "surprises" too! If you post a few pictures of the suspect roos in What Breed or Gender is This?, folks there should be able to help you out. Good luck and thanks for joining us! :)
[IMG][QUOTE="BuffOrpington88, post: 17326269, member: 0"]Hi and :welcome  We had one of those "surprises" too! If you post a few pictures of the suspect roos in [URL=https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this]What Breed or Gender is This?[/URL], folks there should be able to help you out. Good luck and thanks for joining us! :)
[/IMG] Ok I hope the pics posted as I cannot see them on my phone . But one is an Amberlink ( white) the other suspect is a Black Australorp
Hi and welcome to BYC - thanks for joining us. As your potential boys mature, they may get along well, since they have been raised together or it could go belly-up. You may wish to consider removing one from your flock if they begin to fight seriously.

All the best
Thank you all for your wonderful welcomes :D I am having difficulty posting pictures from my PC, as well as trying to get a profile picture posted ! I'm working on it ahaha. Update though: Maybe our BA is not a rooster, but a large hen close to laying age :) But she really did try to crow !! hahaha. Thank you all again for your expertise as well as your kindness.

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