Hello Everyone :)


7 Years
May 12, 2012
My name is Shawna.

I don't have chickens, but am considering taking the leap. We are a family of four, and my youngest (17 month old little girl) eats eggs like most kids eat candy. She would eat 6 or more a day if I let her. I'm trying to live a more natural life style, and have just tried my hand at gardening this year.

What I'm hoping to learn from this site is as much of the ins and outs of chicken "farming" as possible. What breeds would be best for our climate/family? What is the start-up and maintenance cost for chickens? How many should I get? Can chickens and ducks live together? I will be reading through the forum pages in hopes of finding the answers to these and many other questions.

I look forward to learning from all of you wonderful folks!
You've come to the right place. All of your questions will be answered here. Just use common sense, use that which seems logical and you will be on your way.
My name is Shawna.

I don't have chickens, but am considering taking the leap. We are a family of four, and my youngest (17 month old little girl) eats eggs like most kids eat candy. She would eat 6 or more a day if I let her. I'm trying to live a more natural life style, and have just tried my hand at gardening this year.

What I'm hoping to learn from this site is as much of the ins and outs of chicken "farming" as possible.

What breeds would be best for our climate/family?

Where are you located? Are you looking for friendly breeds?

What is the start-up and maintenance cost for chickens? How many should I get?

This will vary a lot. However, I'd say my start up costs easily cleared 500. Do you just want eggs for your family or to sell too?

Can chickens and ducks live together?
.They sure can! I don't have chickens...yet but I do have Ducks, Geese, Guineas, Turkeys that all free range together

I will be reading through the forum pages in hopes of finding the answers to these and many other questions.

I look forward to learning from all of you wonderful folks!
Welcome !!! There are so many great choices and so many different ways to raise Chickens depending on your needs and space .. I hope you will enjoy this site as much as I do .. Are you in the country .. Many have found living in town that there are ordenances preventing them from owning them .. Feel Free To Private message me any time Id be happy to try and guide you .. I think Children and Chickens are a natural fit ! And I love mine : )
~Corinne from Rural NY
Hi and :welcome from Ohio. So glad you joined. Chickens and ducks can live together but I don't recommended it. Ducks love water and can be messy whereas chickens don't like to get wet. :thumbsup

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