Hello everyone

Smitty Acres

May 7, 2015
My wife and I are new to chickens and are extremely excited about our new additiond. We have 13 pullets and are slowly getting the coop and run completed. We converted a small workshop into the coop. I framed off a wall with hardware cloth to divide the space into hicken home and feed storage. I also built a rabbit hutch in the feed storage area. Today, I just set the last of the posts for the run. We haven'rt built the nests yet and they only have a temporary roost at this point. It is still definately a work in progress. I plan on posting pics soon.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. I just greeted you on a duplicate thread, but as I stated there, if you would like your breeds identified just post some pics of them on our What Breed or Gender is This? section at https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this and let our experts there take a look at them for you. I'll look forward to seeing your pics. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in finishing your coop.
Welcome to BYC and congratulations on your new flock!

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